
A Child is Missing Comes To Alaska
In Association With
Climb For America’s Children
NeXt Generation Telethon an Extreme Sport Charity "
To Save Children’s Lives
AK- Climb For America’s Children, a non-profit corporation
founded to raise funds for children in need, has teamed
with A Child Is Missing, a non-profit corporation,
assisting police through their "National Command Center"
in the first few hours of a child’s disappearance (which
can determine whether they live or die). With over 3,000
children missing a day in America alone, there is a serious
need. The organizations will be holding a World Press Conference
on March 19, 2002 at 10:00 am at the Hilton Anchorage in
Anchorage, Alaska. Alaska is the staging platform of the
"The World’s First Next Generation Telethon,"
The Climb For America’s Children Denali 2001-2002 Expedition,
An Extreme Sport Charitable Event, which will promote the
national awareness campaign and A Child Is Missing’s
program and its Alaska expansion.
presenters are Mayor George Wuerch, Anchorage; Mayor Sarah
Palin, Wasilla; Chief Walt Monegan, Anchorage Police Department,
Sherry Friedlander, Founder, A Child Is Missing, and other
At that
time, Climb For America’s Children and A Child Is Missing
will announce plans for its "NeXt Generation Telethon,"
which features the first nationally televised ascent of
Denali (Mount McKinley) for charity, known to be one of
the most hostile expeditions in the world, with a vertical
relief greater than any mountain on the planet (18,000 Feet
) and a summit at 20,320 Feet, America’s tallest mountain.
The climbers include world famous celebrities, guides, photographer
and film crew. Over 30 of today’s hottest celebrities have
been invited to a participate as hosts or climbers for this
event, along with John Walsh, of America’s Most Wanted to
host and Dr. Laura Schlessinger to co-host this major event.
Such noted names as Michael Jordan, Arnold Schwarzenegger,
Sylvester Stallone and Tom Cruise have also been asked to
co-host and or climb to help save children’s lives in the
first "NeXt Generation Telethon", in association
with A Child Is Missing to raise funds for the "National
Command Center" and heighten awareness of the "National
Response System" that enables law enforcement officials
to find missing children across America in the first few
hours of their disappearance.
Climb For America’s Children promotional team is led by
George LaMoureaux, Founder, who also founded The Cartoon
Channel, Toon TV, and is a National Advisory Board Member
of A Child Is Missing; Thomas Madden, author of "Spin
Man," - the inside world of public relations and is
a former director of public relations of ABC Television
and Vice President of NBC Television, who now heads up TransMedia,
a public relations firm he founded; and Dr. Ginger Southall,
television fitness celebrity and nationally syndicated health
and fitness writer who is also one of the climbers for this
event. Guides and Climbers include 25 year Denali Guide
Gary Bocarde of Mountain Trip plus three of his climbers,
Photographer Myron Rosenberg, Movie Producer and Director
Matthew Ogens of ESPN Sports and his film crew, Alaskans
John Majors, Eric Oaks and three other major celebrities
to be announced.
support has been formally confirmed by: World Famous Expedition
Leader Colonel Norman D. Vaughan who will be a commentator
and base camp participant with recognitions from the Explorers
Club Royal Geographic Society, National Geographic, Admiral
Byrd and the U.S. Congress. Vaughan said, "The Child
Is Missing program will find the lost and bring them back:
An answer to our social weakness, the Climb for America’s
Children publicizes this great quest for our precious souls.
Each footstep up Denali will symbolize getting closer to
finding America’s Missing Children. I congratulate the team’s
fortitude to climb Denali and passion to find our lost children.
Colonel Vaughan’s motto in life is "Dream Big And Dare
To Fail " - he is 96 years old.
written support and positive comments came from, George
W. Bush, President of the United States who said,
"to convey his best wishes for a successful event."
Governor Jeb Bush, who said, "More than 3,000 children
are reported missing everyday. We need to increase public
understanding and awareness of this problem to prevent this
alarming rate from continuing. I appreciate your commitment
to your community and the contributions you have made to
enhance both our way of life and our society as a whole."
Mark Foley Co-Founder of the Congressional Missing and Exploited
Children’s Caucus and Chairman of the Entertainment Task
Force said, "Everyday that passes, more than 3,000
children are reported missing, and most Americans have no
idea this is even occurring. As Co-Founder of The Congressional
Missing and Exploited Children’s Caucus and Chairman of
the Entertainment Task Force, I want you to know that you
will have my full support in meeting the challenges you
face. I can’t think of a more worthy cause, I know it will
be a huge success."
Governor Tony Knowles, said, " I applaud your efforts
in organizing this extreme sport charitable event to raise
funds for the "National Command Center." Heightened
awareness of the "National Rapid Response System"
will enable law enforcement officials to find missing children
across the country, a truly worthy cause. Your selfless
commitment to the success and the future development of
" A Child Is Missing is extremely impressive. On behalf
of all Alaskans, thank you for your dedication to serving
our country and communities in the past, present and future."
Alaska Governor William J. Sheffield, said, "You
will make Alaska proud that you have come up with this interesting
way to assist in raising funds to not only bring the program
to Alaska but to help other states and the children in those
states. The awareness to the public that your climb will
generate will alert the families in their time of need that
there is immediate help for them to find there child that
is missing in the first hours of their disappearance. The
Climb For America’s Children event and A Child Is Missing
program is so very important to this country. You have my
Alaska Governor and Secretary of The Interior Walter J.
Hickel Sr. said, "Something this horrifying needs
to be dealt with in an immediate and strategic manner. Your
support for the National Command Center and the National
Rapid Response System ( now nationwide because of your fundraising
campaign ) has enabled and will continue to help law enforcement
officials to find missing children here in Alaska and across
the nation. This is a noble cause that needs broad support."
support and positive comments came from The Mountaineering
Club of Alaska, The American Alpine Club, The American Mountain
Guides Association and too many others to list.
A Child
Is Missing’s Board of Directors and Advisory Board
looks like the who’s who of Law Enforcement, and the Founder
Sherry Friedlander was awarded the coveted "J. Edgar
Hoover Award for Distinguished Public Service" by the
National Association of Chiefs of Police.
Sponsors and Suppliers include; Alaska Glacier Beverages,
Inc.; Ramada; Capital Bonding; Phoenix Worldwide Industries,
Inc.; Alaska Mountaineering and Hiking, Inc.; Dana Design;
Mountain Trip; Doug Geeting Aviation; Alaska Web Design;
Alaska Stock; Evergreen Mint; LEKI USA; Ziffco; Ziffco Outer
limits; Zuffun; Adventure Quest, Inc. Sportstat / Nonin;
C.E. Tanner and Associates; The LM Berry Company; Lynden
Transport; Lynden Air Freight; Nielsen Kellerman; Survival
On Snow, Inc.; Atlas Snow-Shoe Company; Business in Broward
Magazine; American Innoteck; The Hilton Anchorage with more
to follow.
For additional
information, see our web site at:
Or contact George LaMoureaux at: 1-907-274-4444 Or e-mail