Child Is Missing program will find the
lost and bring them back: An answer to
our social weakness, the Climb For America’s
Children publicizes this great quest for
our precious lost souls. Each footstep
up Denali will symbolize getting another
step closer to finding America’s missing
children. I congratulate the team’s fortitude
to climb Denali and passion to find our
lost children."
Norman D. Vaughan
Commentator & Base Camp Participant
Climb For America's Children
Jeb Bush
Governor of Florida
More than 3,000 children are reported missing
everyday. We need to increase public understanding
and awareness of this problem to prevent
this alarming rate from continuing. I appreciate
your commitment to your community and the
contributions you have made to enhance both
our way of life and our society as a whole.
this horrifying needs to be dealt with
in an immediate and strategic manner.
support for the "National Command
Center" and the National Rapid Response
System" (now nationwide because of
your fundraising campaign) has enabled
and will continue to help law enforcement
officials to find missing children here
in Alaska and across the nation. This
is a noble cause that needs broad support.
J Hickel
Former Governor of Alaska
Former Secretary of the Interior More
which benefit children in need and reunite
them with their families, deserve the
support of all. The Mountaineering Club
Of Alaska, with its specific purpose of
promoting the enjoyment of hiking, climbing
and exploration of the mountains in a
safe and environmentally friendly manner,
gives its support to "Climb For America’s
Children" so that children can be
reunited with their families…and they
too can enjoy the " freedom of the
Richard Baranow
Mountaineering Club Of Alaska More
certainly a worthwhile and ambitious event!"
Chris Chesak
Development Director
The American Alpine Club
Press " World’s First NeXt
Generation Telethon "
An Extreme Sport Charitable Event In Association
Climb for America's Children
3705 Arctic Blvd #1124
Anchorage, Alaska 99503 E-mail 907-522-7777
Mr. LaMoureaux,
President has asked me to thank you for thinking
of him and to convey his best wishes for a successful
A. Blakeman
Deputy Assistant to the President and
Director of Appointments and Scheduling
Missing Child Please Help
George Olsen, President George
Bush, Sherry Friedlander
There is no price to place on a childs life...
in some states sexual predators can live right
next door to you, you wouldn't know and your
children are at risk...toddlers wander off
and are found in lakes...young children go
on adventures and never return home... children
are kidnapped from their homes..so much more
happens... we have to care... we have to react....
it can happen to your children...
A Child Is Missing.
John Walsh - America's Most Wanted,
Sherry Friedlander,
FL Lt. Governor Frank Brogan
Congressman Mark Foley
Every day that passes, more than 3,000 children
are reported missing, and most Americans have
no idea this is even occurring. As Co-Founder
of the Congressional Missing and Exploited Children’s
Caucus, and Chairman of the Entertainment Task
Force, I want you to know you’ll have my full
support in meeting the challenges you face.
I can’t think of a more worthy cause, I know
it will be a huge success."
Congressman Mark Foley
Co-Founder of the Congressional
Missing and Exploited Children’s Caucus
And Chairman of the Entertainment Task Force More Info
George LaMouraeux
There is so much child abduction and child
abuse that we have asked the President of
the United States Of America to declare
" War On Child Abduction And Child
Abuse" as " A Matter of Domestic
Defense " and " Homeland Security.
" With over 3,000 children reported
missing a day in America alone according
to FBI figures, this is a horrific national
disaster that each one of us needs to feel
a burning desire to resolve. Help these
children; one of them could be yours!"
George LaMoureaux Founder
Climb For America’s Children And National
Advisory Board Member of A Child Is Missing More Info
Tony Knowles
of Alaska
I applaud your efforts in organizing this
extreme sport charitable event to raise
funds for the National Command Center. Heightened
awareness of the " National Rapid Response
System " will enable law enforcement
officials to find missing children across
the country, a truly worthy cause."
"The awareness to the public that your
climb will generate will alert families
in their time of need that there is immediate
help for them to find their child that is
missing in the first hours of their disappearance.
" The climb For America's Children event
and A Child Is Missing Program is so very
important to this country. You have my support!"
William J Sheffield
Former Governor of Alaska More
behalf of the American Mountain Guides Association,
I would like to express our support for
" Climb For America's Children." We believe
you have come up with a very creative way
to bring this problem to the attention of
the American people through your " NeXt
Generation Telethon and Extreme Sport Event."
Program Manager
The American Mountain Guides Association
More Info
The United Nations has proclaimed 2002 as "International
Year of Mountains" to increase international awareness
of the global importance of mountain ecosystems.